A Day In The Life - iPad App

Experience life as a student at the University of Sydney
Every year, thousands of students attend Sydney University’s Open Day activities. But what about those who can’t attend, or those who need a little extra information to make their final university choice? Small Multiples worked with USYD and a team of agencies, providing the concept work, UI/UX design and product management for this rich interactive app.
Explore the campus, the courses and activities on offer. Discover what campus life means: attend classes and events, play sport, play music and meet with friends.
Access all the information you need to make the most of campus life – from navigating your way around campus, to planning your studies and deciding how to spend your free time.
The best sandwiches on campus? Follow a student’s journey and discover interesting places on and around campus – from libraries and lecture theatres, to cafes, bars and green spaces.
Concept, digital consulting, UX/UI design and project management: Small Multiples, Visual design: Toben, App development: Snepo, Filming: Four Leaf Films, Copywriting: Iris Lockyer, Post-production: Andy Eisenberg.
We don’t just do websites, we love apps too. Check out our FrogId app for the Australian Museum, and our augmented reality ‘Hello, Sun’ app. Need to make an app? Love to build apps too? Get in contact.