Explore national polling data

Small Multiples designed and built another key component to the Australian Financial Review’s data.afr.com. The visualisations draw on a database of the latest AFR/Nielsen, Essential, Galaxy, Newspoll, ReachTEL and Roy Morgan national polling data. Audiences are able to discover interesting trends from the data and see how significant national events have influenced public opinion and voting intentions.
Two-Party Preferred
Showing the changes in preference flow - the most direct indicator of which party would win an election held at the time the poll was conducted.
Primary Vote
Insight into how popular the parties are at a national level.
Preferred Prime Minister
Shows how voters’ choice of preferred prime minister have changed over time.
Approval Rating
Shows how voters feel about the main political leaders of the day and do not necessarily reflect voting intention.
This project is a on-going collaboration with data journalist Edmund Tadros and the team of journalists and researchers at the Australian Financial Review.
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